MANAGEMENT of Dry Eye Disease

This question, of course, moves every patient and his or her eye doctor - Before therapy, however, there is a diagnosis ... and that requires an examination and some clinical tests !

The present page gives a kind of an overview of Dry Eye Disease and of the content of the next upcoming pages in the menue folder on “Recognize & Treat Dry Eye Disase

On this page you will find information on:

First of all, it is of course important to inform yourself about some important FACTS, how the surface of the eye works and how it comes to the dry eye. This allows to understand why the treatment measures that the eye doctor suggests are important and how the patient can best contribute to the success of the treatment.

There are many questions

You will find the answers when you “click” a colored link

  • What is dry eye disease and do all the other names mean ? Keratoconjunctivitis sicca … Sicca syndrome … Sjögren's syndrome ?

  • Are my complaints really related to dry eye ?

    • dryness, stinging, buring, tearing, tired eyes and heavy lids, blurred vision, redness, pain …

  • Why must the eye be moist and how does it get dry ? - How does it work altogether ?

… all this and many more Questions and Answers can be found on the => “Essentials” Page


Questionnaires allow the patient to sort out his symptoms and make it easier for the doctor to monitor the therapy reliably.

Questionnaires are usually relatively short and concise and therefore easy to fill out by the patient while waiting for the examination by the ophthalmologist.

The questionnaires are typically validated and therefore determine the symptoms that indicate a dry eye relatively reliably.


Dry Eyes are related to some characteristic clinical findings. They can be analysed by performing some specific clinical tests that are explained in more detail on the respective page for “DIAGNOSIS of Dry Eye Disease”.

The results of these tests

Dry eye disease can appear as a rather complex disease (... not to say a ' tricky story ') with many interlocking factors.

Therefore, the eyes must first be examined and diagnosed by an eye doctor before any therapy can start !

The dry eye therapy can only begin once an adequate diagnostic examination has been carried out as mentioned above