May 10, 2017 - LIME International Meeting ARVO 2017
Reiko ARITA (left) presents a gift to the invited speaker Donald KORB (right)
The prestigious Lid and Meibomian Gland Group (LIME), based in Tokyo, with its president Reiko ARITA had invited Prof. Donald KORB from Boston who has first described the condition and coined the term of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD).
He gave a seminal talk on the history and recent developments in Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) - a condition that represents the main primary causative factor for the onset of Dry Eye Disease.
Several leaders in the field of Meibomian gland and MGD, together with the developers of the groundbreaking Lipiview and Lipiflow instruments (TearScience Inc.) that have opened a new era of Meibomian gland diagnostics and therapy, were present and contributed to the discussion afterwards. This was a great evening and we are looking forward to the next LIME group Meeting in Tokyo.
Photos: Courtesy of Reiko Arita (2,4) and of Erich Knop (1,3)
May 8, 2017 - TFOS DEWS II Reception
The Reception of the Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society (TFOS) is held on Monday May 8 in the Center Club, in order to say ´Thank you´ to the members of the TFOS DEWS II Workshop on Dry Eye Disease.
Many established as well as future leaders in the field are attending this honorary event of the prestigious TFOS. This is always a fantastic occasion for fruitful discussions with many colleagues from all around the world - So all attendees certainly also say ´Thank you´ to the TFOS for its continuous activities in the field of Ocular Surface and Dry Eye Disease !
May 7-11, 2017 - ARVO 2017 in Baltimore
Erich Knop from the Ocular Surface Center Berlin (OSCB) presents a POSTER on the HOLISTIC DYNAMIC CONCEPT for DRY EYE DISEASE
The poster finds great interest among the ARVO attendees and the booth is always over-crowded
Members from Boston are presenting the new OSCB business cards during an Ocular Surface Poster Session at the ARVO 2017
April 20, 2017 - OSCB Poster elected as "HOT TOPIC"
The ARVO 2017 POSTER contribution of the OSCB is elected as a "HOT TOPIC" by the ARVO Programme Committee and
Erich Knop is chosen as a "COMMUNICATOR"
January 2017 - 2 NEW Contact Lens SYMPOSIA accepted
The OSCB will organize 2 NEW SYMPOSIA on CONTACT LENSES at the European Society
The Ocular Surface Center Berlin (OSCB) will organize two new SYMPOSIA on SCLERAL CONTACT LENSES and on COMPLICATIONS IN CONTACT LENS WEAR at this years Congress of the European Society for Eye Research (EVER) together with Colleagues from Europe, Northern Africa and the US
January 2017 - SLIDE SHOW of the NEW DRY EYE MODEL publicly available on the OSCB Homepage
Ocular Surface Center Berlin (OSCB) makes its NEW HOLISTIC DYNAMIC CONCEPT on the Pathophysiology of Dry Eye Disease available to the General Public
Dec. 1-3, 2016 - Congress of the SOA in Algiers
Members of the Ocular Surface Center Berlin (OSCB) attend the "31ème congrès de la SAO 2016" - the Annual Congress of the Algerian Society of Ophthalmology in order to teach colleagues on the New Holistic Dynamic Dry Eye Concept in a talk and a plenary discussion.
Dr. Moatez MEKKI (left) together with Donald TAN (middle) from Singapore and colleagues during the Middle East African Council for Ophthalmology (MEACO) congress 2017
The talk is invited in a session on Contact Lens and Ocular Surface (Table ronde contactologie Surface oculaire) that is organized by Moatez MEKKI, one of the leading Algerian Specialists for Ocular Surface, Dry Eye Disease and Contact Lenses with a focus on Scleral Contact Lenses. Dr. Mekki is using Sclera Contact Lenses as a very promising high-tech medical tool for many chronic and difficult to treat ocular surface conditions that allows to postpone or even replace surgical approaches in many conditions.
Panel Discussion on Contact Lenses at the 2016 Congress of the Algerian Society of Ophthalmology
The Algerian Society of Ophthalmology is a society with over 1000 Members and including many interested young colleagues. They have organized an excellent congress in a great location directly at the Mediterranean Sea. - A great place and a great meeting - Thank you very much !
Nov. 15, 2016 - Animated GIF of the NEW DRY EYE MODEL sent out
The Ocular Surface Center Berlin (OSCB) sends out the ANIMATED GIF File with Dynamic Explanation of the Concept to the Members of the TFOS DEWS II Workshop in order to give those colleagues who did not have a chance to see the Poster Exhibition at the TFOS 2016 Congress in Sept. in Montpellier a change to see the concept that is yet confidential.
Oct. 2016 - Invitation to OSCB Members as LIME International Members
Nadja Knop (MD, PhD) and Erich Knop (MD, PhD) are invited to join the prestigious LIME Working Group on the Meibomian Gland as International Members
October, 5-8, 2016 - EVER Congress 2016
Members of the Ocular Surface Center Berlin (OSCB) attend the Annual Congress of the ´European Society for Vision and Eye Research´(EVER) in Nice, France.
The OSCB has organized a ´Special Interest Symposium´(SIS) on Scleral Contact Lenses together with Dr. Moatez Mekki from Algiers and with speakers from Europe, North Africa, and the US. The title is "How I fell in love with scleral lenses - the attractive lens paradox" The OSCB gives an introductory talk on Ocular Surface Anatomy and Physiology with relevance for Scleral Contact Lens with the title: "The ocular surface anatomy under cover - its interaction with a scleral lens "
Sept. 30, 2016- Visit at Juntendo University Tokyo
A visit in Tokyo is always a good opportunity to visit Juntendo University - the oldest private University for what was once in the 19th century termed ´Western Medicine´.
Juntendo is one of the most prestigious Medical Universities in Japan. It has six campi, that are distributed over Tokyo, has well over 10´000 people of faculties and staff, among which are over one thousand professors and almost four thousand colleagues of further academical staff together with about four thousand students and three million patients per year.
Juntendo University has a long standing contact with Europe, particularly with the Charité - Universitäts-medizin Berlin through its later third director (Susumu Sato). He came with the first Japanese passport ever issued to the Charité in Germany, and studied Medicine in Berlin (1870-1875) as a Student of Rudolf Virchow.
Susumu Sato was appointed as Dr. med. in Berlin and later he established Western Medicine in Japan. He also translated several German medical books into the Japanese language - that have served as a foundation of western medicine´ in Japan - and he also founded the first Scientific Medical Journal in Japan which continues until today.
Signature of an official Cooperation Agreement between the Charité and Juntendo in 2011 by the Dean of the Charité Prof. Annette Grüters-Kieslich and by the President of Juntendo University Prof. Eiki Kominami during the World Health Summit 2011 in Berlin
The long-standing relations between Juntendo were renewed by Prof. Erich Knop, who had once studied for a year in Japan with an Alexander-von-Humboldt / Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research Fellowship and who is a Visiting Prof. at Juntendo Univ., together with Prof. Detlef Ganten, the former Dean of the Charité- Universitätsmedizin Berlin, who is now the President of the Charité Foundation. This process was supported by the help of Prof. Hideoki Ogawa CEO of Juntendo Univ., Prof. Eiko Kominami and Prof. Yasuo Uchiyama (both are former Humboldt Society fellows in Germany), Dr. Hiroshi Nin (who had studied medicine in Germany), Prof. Karl-Max Einhäupl the CEO of the Charite, Prof. Annette Grüters-Kieslich the Dean of Charité, Prof. Ulrich Frei, Medical Director of Charité, and by Ulrike Arnold the Director of the Charité International Center and by many, many others .... A prominent and continuing support was given by the Japanese embassy in Berlin with its Ambassador
A prominent and continuing support was given by the Japanese embassy in Berlin with its Ambassador Takahiro SHINYO and the cultural affairs delegate Ms. Mari
Miyoshi, as well as by the German Ambassador in Tokyo Dr. Volker STANZEL and cultural affairs delegate Mr. Claus Eilrich.
The historic relations between these two eminent medical universities were formally reestablished in 2011 with the Signature of an official Cooperation Agreement between the Charité and Juntendo in 2011 by the Dean of the Charité Prof. Annette Grüters-Kieslich and by the President of Juntendo University Prof. Eiki Kominami during the World Health Summit 2011 in Berlin.
Sept. 26 - 29, 2016 - ISER Congress 2016 in Tokyo
Members of the Ocular Surface Center Berlin (OSCB) attend the ´XXII Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Eye Research´ (ISER) to give an invited talk on Meibomian Glands with links to MGD by the title: "Anatomy and Physiology of the Meibomian Glands". The talk is given in a Special Interest Symposium organized by Prof. Igor Butovich (PhD) and Prof. James Jester (PhD) and brought people from different fields together for intense discussion on critical issues concerning the Meibomian Glands.
Sept. 27, 2016, LIME Conference, Tokyo
Members of the Ocular Surface Center Berlin (OSCB) are invited to attend the 5th LIME International Conference in Tokyo and Prof. Erich Knop is invited to give a talk by the Title: "A New Holistic Concept on the PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF DRY EYE DISEASE" to introduce the NEW DRY EYE CONCEPT of the OSCB to the national and international members of the prestigious LIME society. Attached is s photo with the board members of LIME
Sept. 23 - 25, 2016 - WAKAYAMA Symposium on MGD 2016, Japan
Members of the Ocular Surface Center Berlin (OSCB) attend the exclusive club of the Wakayama Meetings on the Meibomian Gland - Pathobiology of Meibomian Gland - by invitation. The meeting is hosted by Prof. Shizuya Saika (MD, PhD) the director of the local Eye Clinic of Wakayama Medical University. Wakayama a lively industrial city at the sea-side south to Osaka, Japan. Erich Knop is invited as a ´Lime Awardee´ of the ´Lid and Meibomian Working Group´(LIME,
A real great meeting organized and attended by leaders in the field and also by a many young doctors from Japan. We had intense discussion on focused topics in an atmosphere of unsurpassed Japanese Hospitality - An excellent meeting ... Thank you ... Looking forward to next year !
Poster Presentation of the NEW DRY EYE CONCEPT at the TFOS Congress 2016 - Great audience and great response - (Photo courtesy of Heiko Pult)
Sept. 2016
Members of the Ocular Surface Center Berlin (OSCB) attend the 2016 Congress of the Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society (TFOS) in Montpellier, France.
They introduce their New Dry Eye Concept in a poster presentation that is very well attended with great Feed-Back - please see attached photo
May, 6 - 7, 2016, DEWS II Post ARVO Conference, Seattle
Members of the Ocular Surface Center Berlin (OSCB) are invited to attend the DEWS II Post ARVO Conference of the TFOS DEWS II Workshop on Dry Eye Disease ... everything Top Secret, of course ...
Presentation of the New HOLISTIC DYNAMIC Concept for the Pathophysiology of Dry Eye Disease to the members of the TFOS DEWS II Subcommittee for Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology
May 1 - 5, 2016 - ARVO Congress, Seattle
Members of the Ocular Surface Center Berlin (OSCB) attend the ARVO... THE international scientific congress on Eye Research .. very impressive ... over 10´000 members ... 5 days ... meetings ... meetings ... meetings all around
A literally great congress as always. Erich Knop (MD, PhD) is invited to chair a session on the Pathophysiology of Dry Eye Disease and to give an invited talk with the title "Influence of Sex Hormones on Dry Eye Disease"
May 4, 2016 - 4th LIME International Conference in Seattle
Members of the Ocular Surface Center Berlin (OSCB) are invited to attend the "4th LIME International Conference" in Seattle. Prof. Reiko ARITA the spiritual and virtual leader of the prestigious LIME Working Group on the Meibomian Glandand her colleagues have collected a large audience of international guests and leaders in the field as speakers. This was a great and very inspiring meeting with an exceptional group of people. Attached is a group photo.
June 28, 2015 - Dry Eye Concept Submission
Submission of a Suggestion for a Summary Figure that summarizes the complete Pathophysiology of Dry Eye Disease in a pictographic style model, that focuses on the dynamic aspects in the course of the disease, together with an extensive Description and Legend,
This is the birth of the HOLISTIC DYNAMIC CONCEPT on the PATHOPHYSIOLOGY of Dry Eye Disease which is based on provious conceptual thoughts on the Ocular Surface and Dry Eye Disease as explained on the OSCB WebSite for the New Concept.
June 19-20, 2015 - DEWS II PPSC Subcommittee Meeting in Paris
First Meeting of the PPSC Subcommittee in Paris
Introductory Presentations and Discussions
Spring 2015 - Invitation for TFOS DEWS II Workshop
Members of the OSCB are invited to participate in the International DEWS II Workshop on a Re-Definition of Dry Eye Disease